Water Treatment

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Various measures are available to manage the risk of Legionella in the water system including water treatments and flushing regimes. By implementing appropriate water treatments and flushing regimes, it is possible to prevent the growth and spread of Legionella in water systems. Water treatment involves the use of chemicals to control the growth of Legionella in the water system. The type of treatment used depends on the water system and the level of risk.

Some of the commonly used water treatments methods for Legionella prevention include chlorination. Chlorine is a widely used chemical for disinfecting water systems, it is effective in killing the Legionella bacteria and preventing its growth. However, it is essential to ensure that the concentration of chlorine used is appropriate for the water systems to avoid any adverse effects. Copper-silver ionization; copper-silver ionization is a non-chemical method for disinfecting water systems, it works by releasing copper and silver ions into the water which are toxic to the Legionella bacteria. This method is effective, but it requires regular monitoring to ensure the correct concentration of ions are maintained. And finally, UV disinfection; UV disinfection uses ultraviolet light to kill Legionella bacteria. It is effective in controlling Legionella, but it is not a suitable method for all water systems.