Legionella Control Measures, Monitoring and Recording

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Managing Legionella Risk in Water Systems


Legionella bacteria can lead to legionnaires disease, a severe form of pneumonia that can be fatal. Therefore, it is crucial to implement effective measures to control the risk of Legionella in water systems.

Implementing Control Measures

Control measures: To prevent the growth and spread of Legionella, key measures include:

  • Keeping water systems clean and free of sediment.
  • Maintaining water temperatures outside the range of 20 to 45 degrees C.
  • Preventing water stagnation.
  • Regular disinfection of water systems.

These measures must be carried out by competent personnel with appropriate training and experience.

Monitoring and Recording

Monitoring: Regular checks of water temperature, flow rate, and bacteria sampling are essential to assess the effectiveness of control measures.

Recording: Keeping detailed records ensures that control measures and monitoring activities are conducted correctly. It also provides a history of identified issues and their resolutions.

UK Regulations and Guidance

The UK provides several codes of practice and guidance documents:

  • Health and Safety Executive's Approved Code of Practice.
  • Guidance from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

These resources offer comprehensive guidance on managing Legionella risk, including practical advice on control measures and monitoring.