Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

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The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 is a UK regulation that requires employers to assess and manage the risks associated with work activities to protect the health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their work. The regulations are relevant to Legionella in several ways. Firstly, the regulation requires employers to carry out risk assessments to identify the hazards associated with their work activities and assess the risks associated with those hazards. This includes assessing the risks associated with Legionella in water systems and implementing control measures to manage and control those risks. Secondly, the regulations require employers to implement appropriate control measures to manage the risk identified in the risk assessment. This includes measures such as regular water testing and monitoring, cleaning and disinfection of water systems, and the implementation of appropriate water treatment measures.

Thirdly, the regulations require employers to provide information, instruction and training to their employees to ensure that they can carry out their work activities safely. This includes providing training on Legionella management, so that employees are aware of the risks associated with Legionella and how to control these risks. Fourthly, the regulations require employers to consult with their employees on matters of health and safety, including Legionella control. This means that employers should involve their employees in the risk assessment process, provide them with information on the risk associated with Legionella and consult them with the appropriate control measures to manage these risks. Finally, the regulations require employers to review and revise their risk assessments and control measures regularly to ensure they remain effective. This includes reviewing the risk assessments and control measures for Legionella on a regular basis to ensure that they are still appropriate and effective.