Flushing Regimes

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Flushing regimes involve the regular flushing of the water system to remove any stagnant water that can provide an ideal environment for the growth of Legionella. Flushing regimes are central in areas where the water system is not used regularly, such as infrequently used taps or showers. Flushing regimes can also be used in areas where there is a risk of Legionella, such as cooling towers, spa, pools and hot water systems. The following are some of the best practices for implementing flushing regimes for Legionella prevention. Identify the areas of the water system that require flushing and create a flushing schedule. Flushing should be carried out using the correct flow rate and duration to ensure that all the stagnant water is removed. The water temperature should be monitored during flushing to ensure it remains within the recommended temperature range for Legionella prevention.

Flushing should be carried out only by competent personnel, who have the appropriate training and the experience in Legionella prevention. By implementing appropriate water treatments of flushing regimes, the risk of Legionella in the water systems can be significantly reduced. It is essential to ensure that the measures are carried out by competent personnel, who have the appropriate training and the experience in Legionella prevention. Failure to implement appropriate water treatment of flushing regimes can lead to the growth and spread of Legionella.