Types of Legionella

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Understanding Legionella Bacteria: Causes and Risks

1. What is Legionella?

Legionella is a type of bacteria known for causing serious respiratory illnesses in humans.

2. Types and Diseases

There are two main illnesses associated with Legionella:

  • Legionnaires' Disease: A severe form of pneumonia.
  • Pontiac Fever: A milder flu-like illness.

3. Characteristics of Legionella Bacteria

Legionella bacteria are gram-negative, referring to their specific cell wall structure which can make them resistant to certain antibiotics.

4. History and Recognition

Legionella was first identified in 1976 during an outbreak at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

5. Common Types

The most prevalent type causing illness in humans is Legionella pneumophila:

  • It has 16 different serogroups, with serogroup 1 responsible for the majority of infections.
  • Legionella pneumophila accounts for up to 90% of reported Legionnaires' disease cases.

6. Other Legionella Species

Non-pneumophila species of Legionella are associated with milder forms of illness like Pontiac fever.

7. Public Health Concern

Legionella remains a significant public health concern with outbreaks reported worldwide.

It's important to note that not all Legionella species are harmful to humans, but precautions should be taken with any water sources or systems that may contain these bacteria.